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Disabling Talkback

    DX 33HML

    Disconnect wire located in TR30 

    DX 44V

    Disconnect wire located in J15

    DX 66V

    Disconnect wire located in J15

    DX 73V

    Disconnect wire located in J15

    DX 77HML

    Disconnect wire from resistor R244

    DX 88HL

    Disconnect wire located in R189

    DX 99V

    (original type echo board) Disconnect wire located in TR35

    DX 99V

    (smt type echo board) Disconnect wire located in J15 next to R244

    DX 11B

    Disconnect wire from diode located in R244

    DX 22B

    Disconnect wire from diode located in R327

    Talkback Mod

    Talkback can become distorted if these radios have been "peaked," and there is no cure because the talkback just amplifies what goes to the RF section. Try adding a 470k ohm resistor from junction of  C154/R207 to the junction of C187/R235 on the solder side of the board. This will also give you clean talkback on SSB and FM. Try different values of resistance to get the amount of volume you want. The less the resistance the louder the talkback will be.

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